Hiring During the Holidays – Full Steam Ahead!

Hiring during the holidays is a double-edged sword. On one hand, you and your hiring team would love to have fewer responsibilities during the busy holiday season. Your schedule is full enough! However, if you want to hit 2024 at full speed, getting this new teammate lined up will make January a much better month.

Is it worth the extra headache to try to squeeze in interviews? Here are five reasons to prioritize hiring in November & December:

  1. People are always moving. Candidates continue to interview even during the holidays. Depending on what is going on in their industry or how their employer did in the 4th quarter, they might be even more likely to move this December. Slowdowns in certain sectors are creating movement.

  2. Less Competition. Your competitors are taking their foot off the gas. Often, fewer job ads are running in December, which gives your job ad a chance to stand out even more.

  3. New job for the New Year. January is an excellent time for someone to make a move. They've used up their PTO for the year. Christmas bonuses have been handed out. They are thinking about a fresh start for the New Year. If they are a careful planner, they'll look at job ads now, hoping the employer will agree to a January start date. You could even add a bullet point to your job ad– flexible start date to accommodate your holiday plans.

  4. December grads! If you have a role ideal for someone fresh out of college, remember not everyone graduates in May! Some candidates will be wrapping up their 2- or 4-year degree in mid-December and are looking for a place to land.

  5. Employee Referrals. Let your team know what positions are available, and offer a generous bonus if they refer someone who is hired. With holiday parties, school concerts, family gatherings, special church services, and other events, your employees might just end up striking up a conversation with someone who could be a great fit for your team.

But remember, if you are going to hire, commit to moving efficiently through the process and being a great communicator with your holiday job seekers. For a reminder of the importance of communication with candidates, check out this blog from last year: A Hiring Fable: A String of Unfortunate Events. And for some tips on building a hiring process that is thorough and fast, stay tuned for next week's blog, The Need for Speed.


The Need for Speed


Beyond the Paycheck: What Draws People to Your Team?