What’s New at Team Builder?

We’ve undergone a lot of changes in 2021, and we’ve pushed hard to serve our clients better in this challenging labor market. Here are just a few updates:

  1. We formed a Recruiting Support Team. We knew our recruiters needed more time to connect with candidates and consult with clients, so we built a four-person team to take on tasks like posting jobs, sourcing, reviewing candidates, etc.

  2. We increased focus on job marketing. To continue to expand our reach, we added new job boards, new resume databases, more passive candidate outreach, and more aggressive Facebook marketing. Our newest hire, Wendy, will focus primarily on job marketing strategies and passive candidate outreach.

  3. Team Builder Training launched! Chuck Jantzi joined our team to offer DISC Workshops and other professional development opportunities for our clients. Our vision is to build a series of trainings and workshops that you can offer your team to improve teamwork, enhance company culture, and grow leaders within your organization. Chuck and Kristen also co-lead the Business Leaders Connection, a peer group for small business owners. We plan to rollout a Five Dysfunctions of a Team workshop early next year.

  4. We nearly doubled in size. To keep up with all the growth our clients were experiencing, we had to grow, too. New to the team are Chuck, Jeniene, Karen, Jen, Faith, and Wendy! Their fresh perspectives, positive energy, and new ideas have proven invaluable.

Price Change for Hiring Support Service for 2022

As a small business serving other businesses, we know that rising costs have been a big challenge for many of us. As we’ve added services to give all our employers the best possible chance to successfully grow their teams, our costs have also gone up. The increase in costs and time spent on searches requires a price increase for 2022.

For new searches starting after January 1 the cost will be $2359 per month. We will continue offering a rerun discount of $300 for searches that need to be run for an additional 30 days due to no hire being made.

SPECIAL OFFER: If you have plans to start a search by January 14, connect with your recruiter now to schedule a call. We’ll gather all the details of your search, write your job ad, and schedule a start date between now and January 14. If you start the process in December and start the search by January 14, we will hold this year’s pricing of $2199.


Employment Trends Heading into 2022


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